Friday, September 13, 2013

I didn't chicken out, exactly--

So what happened yesterday? Well, I spent almost all of Monday worrying over what to use as my Twitter pitch for #pitmad. Then, on Weds, I decided that my book isn't ready to be seen by agents, publishers, or any but my betas and closest friends. Though it is much better than it was when I finished it, I don't think it's as good as it can be.

It's hard to be patient when you want to get your baby out there as soon as possible, but I have to believe that it'll be worth it in the end. Besides, I didn't lose anything by NOT pitching, and giving myself the extra time can only be a good thing.

Thank you, willpower!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The things doing that need to be done.

So, yesterday was spent mostly working on my pitch for the upcoming Twitter event. After pulling out some hair, ramming my head into the wall to get the juices flowing, I finally have one favorite, and several just to throw out at various points. Oh! And I think I managed to eliminate most of my 'seem' crutches that I'd let slip in here and there in my manuscript.

Today shall be devoted to critiquing my writing group's chapters for the night, and then get to working on my prologue! And Netflix.

I wish there was a switch in my head that I could flip which would throw me immediately into writer-mode, for hours at a time, and then can just be switched off when it's time to relax. I do have other forms of entertainment, but they usually only take a few minutes at a time, yet are still a fun distraction. Not that.

So, I shall work on the reward system! Two manuscripts critiqued equals one episode, I think. That sounds about fair.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'd like to blame my insomnia on

Ideally, I'd like to blame it on the fact that I finished my book the other day and can do nothing but lie awake thinking about it. At least, I hope that's the reason I was texting an idea to my wife's phone at four in the morning yesterday.

I even went to bed early last night, 3 a.m., but still woke up at this ungodly hour of 8, with several stops along the way. But, at least the first thought on my mind upon waking is editing.

Mmmm... editing.