Sunday, May 6, 2012

The first word is always the longest.

I always stall when it comes to writing the first word in... well pretty much everything. I can sit either in front of a blank page, or in front of a page half-written, and still not know where to start. Once I do get a foot off the ground, however, I can usually make it at least a few feet into the air before something shiny catches my attention and I have to repeat the process all over again.

But, oh god when the words flow.

Take yesterday for instance. I wanted to write a piece for a flash fiction contest. The word prompts, at first, gave me NOTHING, like literally. I'd tried to start something the night before, but didn't even get down that all-important first word.

Finally I just started writing, thought of a cool way to start a scene, and leaped off the edge. Before long I had too many words, and wanted to go on for more. Luckily the scene involved a character from a mental WIP, so I may be able to use it at some point in the future.

My main point in this rambling mess, is that all you have to do is start. The first step in a thousand mile journey, or whatever. If you can get those first few words down and then just literally just let them go, you may surprise yourself. Hell, even if you have to throw away your first paragraph, your first page, or even your first chapter, the important thing is is that you kicked yourself in the ass and did it.

Besides, think about it like this. It takes around two years to get a book on the shelves after it's been bought by a publisher. I can only imagine that waiting two years to see your name in print is agonizing, a pain I long for. So, get to writing, Ray. Stop typing in a blog and put down some words that will push you towards your goal.



  1. Fully agree. Rock on, and post as much as you want. I'll read it. I've been thinking of doing a blog myself.

  2. In a thousand mile journey, the first step is the most important.

  3. That's the one :D.

    I didn't get as much writing done as I wanted today, so far, but I did finish up a chapter and am working on another currently.

  4. But sometimes, Ray, blog writing inspires writing and keeps the cogs well greased. Besides, it's a nice place for fans to start following you!

  5. It is a nice change from writing out an actual plot and such I suppose, lol. I keep coming up with witty things to say about me having fans, but after they're written out they seem stupid.

  6. Oh hey, you have a blog. You should link here from your Twitter, I almost didn't find you. :-)

  7. It's just so boring here at the moment, I'm afraid people will look at it, then track me down and beat me until I delete it.
